Roles of the Clerk

Clerk of the House

The Office of the House of Representatives has been established by the Zanzibar Constitution of 1984 under section 77(1). The Office is described by the Constitution that will be administered by the Clerk of the House of Representatives whom appointed by the President of Zanzibar in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution under section 76(1).

The appointment of the Clerk and the objectives of his appointment are to carry out the duties of leading the Office of the House of Representatives where before carrying out those duties, he must swear before the President an oath of loyalty and another oath that will be prescribed by law.

Roles of the Clerk

In carrying out his duties, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, being the Chief Executive of the Office of the House of Representatives and in accordance with the Orders 16(4) of the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives (2020 Edition), carries out the following duties:

  • (a) To attend all sittings of the House of Representatives and its Committees, when there is a need of such doing.
  • (b) To keep records that are required to be kept in accordance with the provisions of the Standing Orders and the instructions of the Speaker.
  • (c) To prepare official information of the House and other related to it following the provisions of the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.
  • (d) To prepare a day to day Book of the House Procedures and keep it in his Office, showing the following:
      (i) All Orders issued by the House of Representatives;
      (ii) All Activities scheduled to be carried out on any subsequent day, and
      (ii) All information on questions and arguments approved by the Speaker.
  • (e) Dealing with typographical and linguistic errors in the Bills passed by the House of Representatives and Amendments to the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, when the need happen of so doing.
  • Keeping the records of the House, Bills and other documents submitted before the House of Representatives.
  • (f) Maintaining and keeping the Book of Decisions in which he will regularly enter the records of the decisions of the House and the Speakers rulings, regarding the matter of order in the House.
  • (g) Maintaining and keeping the Book of Decisions in which he will regularly enter the records of the decisions of the House and the Speakers rulings, regarding the matter of order in the House.
  • (h) He shall ensure that the Sitting Chamber and its surroundings, services for Members and other equipment related to the business of the House are in a suitable condition to enable the House carrying out its duties.